Our Story
When picking a name for the church, we wanted a name that emphasized one God, one life, and one community. So we decided on the name One Church Joplin.
Shane Munn and his wife, Julie, felt the call of God on their lives to start a church and followed in obedience on October 26th, 2014, with no place to meet but their home. And that is where the church, not even named yet, took root. From the Munn's house, One Church Joplin moved to the local YMCA, then a school, before finding a permanent location.
Now One Church gladly calls 2802 New Hampshire Ave home, where they have two services every Sunday at 9:30 am and 11:00 am.
Our Beliefs
The Bible
We believe the entire Bible is inspired by God, without error and the authority on which we base our faith, conduct and doctrine.
The Godhead
We believe in one God who exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to this earth as Savior of the world.
We believe Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood for our sins. We believe that salvation is found by placing our faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross. We believe that placing your trust in Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven, living in eternity with Him. We believe Jesus rose from the dead and is coming back again.
We believe water baptism is a symbol of the burial of the old life and the resurrection to walk in the newness of life in Christ, and a testimony to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe Communion is an act of remembering what the Lord Jesus did for us on the cross.
We believe every believer should be in a growing relationship with God by obeying His Word, by yielding to the Holy Spirit, and by being conformed to the image of Christ.